Accelerate Development works with executive and leadership teams to undertake organisational reviews identifying the current and desired state regarding an organisation’s or team’s structure to best execute a newly formed strategy or a re-defined purpose. Accelerate Development also undertakes audits of the functioning of teams and sub-teams to determine their productivity, dynamic and functionality to best serve their internal and external stakeholders and create the desired impact and outcomes.
Accelerate Development works in partnership with organisations to identify, manage and develop talent needed for the future of their business looking at critical high performing behaviours underpinned by research, benchmarking and robust methodology. Talent might be specialist talent, high performing talent, high potential talent or leadership talent. Accelerate Development's approach involves working with stakeholder groups, undertaking desk top research, focus groups, one to one behavioural event interviews, behavioural observation (in the workplace or as part of an assessment or development centre) and facilitated 360 degree feedback.
Accelerate Development also works with organisations to create and implement their career models and frameworks that are fit for purpose for delivering an organisation’s purpose and strategy. Models and frameworks that provide clarity and inspiration to the workforce on role expectations, promotion criteria and critical experiences, lateral and vertical possibilities and trajectories.