"Shake your ground from a platform of strength"
Accelerate Development exists to propel individuals and teams to create change within themselves, their teams, organisations and eco-systems to achieve ambition, impact and fulfilment from a platform of strength.
At the heart of Accelerate Development is a belief that:
Fulfilment and achievement of ambition come from honouring personal values, living out a personal purpose and combining passion, energy, capability and authentic self;
Change at any level comes from being curious, inquisitive, disrupting self and others, unlearning and relearning and being agile in mindset, behaviours, contribution and impact;
Vulnerability based trust sits at the heart of holding a mirror up to self and others;
Interferences that get in the way of potential and success can be smashed
Fear is a reaction which de-rails us when it becomes the focus, however courage is a decision which gives us the permission to dive into unknown territories and remove outdated maps and patterns and limiting boundaries;
Commitment and accountability happen when there is clarity, connection, courage and confidence.

Des Christofi founded Accelerate Development in 2006 combining her organisational development and systems experience with her expertise of understanding and working with human behaviour to drive change at an individual, team and organisational level.
Des dares, enables and inspires individuals and teams to truly work out and bring to the forefront who they are at their best as well as develop an exciting destination. She enables clients to develop a commitment to make the what might seem the impossible possible, the unclear clear and the journey as empowering and exciting as the destination. Her clients describe her as challenging, engaging, insightful and outcome focused.
Des works with a range of organisations across industry sectors in the private, public and charity sectors across Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific, USA and Australia.
Des also collaborates with other businesses to enable individuals and organisations to make a significant impact on the eco-system. She facilitates experiential virtual and face to face bite sized sessions at conferences within and across industries to hundreds and thousands of individuals and leaders to inspire them to drive change in themselves, their teams, organisations and eco-systems with a call to act. Des also coaches and mentors emerging talent from universities across the globe as a away of contributing to the United Nation’s sustainable development goals.
Des is an accredited CTI Coach certified by the International Coaching Federation, a certified Team Coach with the AoEC recognised by the Internal Coaching Federation. She is accredited in a range of psychometrics including; MBTI, SDI, Talent Q, WAVE, Individual and Team Strengthscope and the GC Index tool. Des is also certified in techniques such as Transactional Analysis, Gestalt, Systemic Coaching and constellations.